The total score for the roll 1 was 2.
The roll was double ones
You rolled snake eyes!

The total score for the roll 2 was 3.
The roll was a one and a two
You rolled a loose deuce!

The total score for the roll 3 was 4.
The roll was a one and a three

The total score for the roll 4 was 5.
The roll was a one and a four
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for the roll 5 was 6.
The roll was a one and a five

The total score for the roll 6 was 7.
The roll was a one and a six
You rolled a natural!

The total score for the roll 7 was 3.
The roll was a two and a one
You rolled a loose deuce!

The total score for the roll 8 was 4.
The roll was double twos

The total score for the roll 9 was 5.
The roll was a two and a three
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for the roll 10 was 6.
The roll was a two and a four

The total score for the roll 11 was 7.
The roll was a two and a five
You rolled a natural!

The total score for the roll 12 was 8.
The roll was a two and a six

The total score for the roll 13 was 4.
The roll was a three and a one

The total score for the roll 14 was 5.
The roll was a three and a two
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for the roll 15 was 6.
The roll was double threes

The total score for the roll 16 was 7.
The roll was a three and a four
You rolled a natural!

The total score for the roll 17 was 8.
The roll was a three and a five

The total score for the roll 18 was 9.
The roll was a three and a six
You rolled a nina!

The total score for the roll 19 was 5.
The roll was a four and a one
You rolled a fever five!

The total score for the roll 20 was 6.
The roll was a four and a two

The total score for the roll 21 was 7.
The roll was a four and a three
You rolled a natural!

The total score for the roll 22 was 8.
The roll was double fours

The total score for the roll 23 was 9.
The roll was a four and a five
You rolled a nina!

The total score for the roll 24 was 10.
The roll was a four and a six

The total score for the roll 25 was 6.
The roll was a five and a one

The total score for the roll 26 was 7.
The roll was a five and a two
You rolled a natural!

The total score for the roll 27 was 8.
The roll was a five and a three

The total score for the roll 28 was 9.
The roll was a five and a four
You rolled a nina!

The total score for the roll 29 was 10.
The roll was double fives

The total score for the roll 30 was 11.
The roll was a five and a six
You rolled a yo!

The total score for the roll 31 was 7.
The roll was a six and a one
You rolled a natural!

The total score for the roll 32 was 8.
The roll was a six and a two

The total score for the roll 33 was 9.
The roll was a six and a three
You rolled a nina!

The total score for the roll 34 was 10.
The roll was a six and a four

The total score for the roll 35 was 11.
The roll was a six and a five
You rolled a yo!

The total score for the roll 36 was 12.
The roll was double sixes
You rolled boxcars!

Doubles occurred on 6 of the 36 rolls.

A combined value of 2 occurred 1 of 36 times.

A combined value of 3 occurred 2 of 36 times.

A combined value of 4 occurred 3 of 36 times.

A combined value of 5 occurred 4 of 36 times.

A combined value of 6 occurred 5 of 36 times.

A combined value of 7 occurred 6 of 36 times.

A combined value of 8 occurred 5 of 36 times.

A combined value of 9 occurred 4 of 36 times.

A combined value of 10 occurred 3 of 36 times.

A combined value of 11 occurred 2 of 36 times.

A combined value of 12 occurred 1 of 36 times.